Welcome Wing Point Members

This blog is intended to keep the members at Wing Point up to date on the course conditions, the challenges we face with weather, the day to day update on projects, and hopefully add some insight to your overall golf experience. The blog will be updated as much as possible. Information on things that may impact your golf experience such as sanding or aeration will be posted as well. Take time to read one of the polls on the side of the page. The results will help us make decisions on course maintenance practices and give us feedback on what you, the members are thinking.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Been a while...

Sorry to all my loyal followers!  The tail end of the irrigation project resulted in a lack of blogging.  In other words...a lot of hours at work!  We are 95% done.  The irrigation install has been complete for 2 weeks, but clean up is still getting done.  We've ran the system 3 times with very few issues, which have already been resolved by the contractor.  On that note, I must say that it was an absolute pleasure to work with James Milroy and his staff.  Dealing with a second generation irrigator really paid off.  James will turn 40 this week, he's been installing irrigation since before he was a teenager working for his father.  Wing Point is just the most recent on his long resume of golf courses he's installed irrigation.  Some of those courses include Seattle GC, Overlake GCC, Meridian Valley GCC, Chambers Bay GC, The Plateau Club, all of the Bandon Dunes golf courses, etc., etc., etc.  We finished 5 weeks early after starting 2 weeks late, we are under budget, and my life is back to normal again!

The remaining areas left over from construction will be seeded this week.  The bunker on #10 will be sodded this week, then sand added in a few weeks.  The 5th tee will open for play next week.  The 14th and 13th tees will be a few weeks out. 

It's been a long winter that started with turf loss on greens.  In our industry, they say the 2 most stressful things for a superintedent in his/her career are turf loss on greens, or going through an irrigation installation.  I made it through both in the last 6 months.  Our greens are back to normal with the exception of the thin turf conditions on #10, and we now have a state of the art irrigation system that should last for decades to come.

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